Most accepted and accurate criminal background check:
A social media background check reflects who you are based on your online behaviour.
Obtain criminal background checks on individuals including enhanced background checks.
Obtain employment background check verifications on individuals including enhanced employment background checks.
Verify a candidates education history and credentials.
Obtain Transunion credit checks on individuals including ID reports and ID verifications.
We perform comprehensive reference checks on your candidates customized to the information you want to learn.
You can obtain driving record abstracts on your candidates and learn information like:
Obtain social media checks on individuals that:
Comprehensive solutions designed for staffing agencies.
Obtain pre-employment screening bundles and save!
Last updated: 2023-09-21
In carrying out its business of security and investigation services for pre-employment screening and background check solutions, Triton (“Triton”, “we” and “us”) gathers Personal Information (as defined hereafter) about candidates from individual clients or from employer clients. In this Privacy Policy, the terms “you”, “user”, and “your” refer to individuals who use our products and services (“Services”), visit our website (“Website”), otherwise interact or communicate with us.
We are strongly committed to transparency and excellence in protecting your privacy and your Personal Information and we want you to understand how we collect, use, disclose and protect your Personal Information.
This Privacy Policy governs our processing of Personal Information. It explains what Personal Information we collect, why we use and disclose it, and the steps we take to protect it. This Privacy Policy also explains your rights with respect to your Personal Information, how to contact us if you have any questions about those rights or about our privacy practices. This Privacy Policy also sets out how you can manage the Personal Information we collect from you.
If you do not agree with our data processing practices as set forth in this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Services. If you do not understand or have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us before using or continuing to use the Services.
Triton continually reviews and updates its procedures to protect the privacy of individuals. Any changes to the Triton Privacy Policy will be posted on Triton’s Website.
Personal Information means information about an identifiable individual. It also includes non-identifying information which, when combined with other information, creates a serious possibility of identifying an individual (collectively, “Personal Information”). Personal Information does not include:
business contact information when we collect, use or disclose it solely for the purpose of communicating or facilitating communication with you in relation to your employment, business or profession; or information that cannot be attributed to an identifiable individual, such as information of an aggregate or anonymous nature (collectively, “Non-personal Information”).
Triton requires consent of individuals from whom the collection, use or disclosure of Personal Information is requested. Triton does not collect any Personal Information or provide Services without the consent of the individuals seeking Triton’s Services. Triton’s consent forms clearly define the purposes for which Triton collects Personal Information from individuals.
You may always refuse to provide your Personal Information. However, this may prevent you from using our Services or receiving responses to your inquiries or other information of interest. If you are not prepared to provide your consent or if you have questions about Triton’s collection of Personal Information, you are invited to contact Triton’s Privacy Officer.
Triton does not intentionally collect Personal Information from anyone under the age of 14.
A. Types of Personal Information collected
B. How Personal Information is collected
Personal Information you provide to us.
We collect Personal Information directly from you when you submit an application form (online or on paper) in the context of a background screening check. We also collect Personal Information in the course of our interactions with you, for example when you visit our Website, contact client support or correspond with us by telephone, email or in any other way.
Personal Information we collect from third parties.
With your consent, we collect your Personal Information from other sources such as from third-party service providers, in order, among other things, to enable us to complete, verify or update Personal Information contained in our files and to carry out background checks, where applicable.
Your Personal Information may be provided to us by law enforcement agencies, screening and recruitment agencies, credit reporting agencies, your employer or your future employer. We can also collect your Personal Information from court clerks/registries, your previous and current employers, educational institutions, consumer reporting agencies, government agencies and from the references you provided.
When you visit our Website, Personal Information is collected by cookies and similar tracking technologies. A cookie is a small amount of data generated by our Website and stored by your web browser. Triton uses cookies only for language preferences and session identification.
Limiting Collection
Triton limits the collection of Personal Information to that which is necessary for the purposes identified for the Services provided. Triton collects information by fair and lawful means. Triton continually reviews the amount and the type of information collected from clients to ensure that no more information is collected than what is necessary to carry out Triton’s work.
Identifying Purposes
Unless we have your prior consent, or as may be permitted or required by law, we will only use and disclose your Personal Information for the purposes for which it was collected (and in accordance with this Privacy Policy).
Triton collects Personal Information from candidates and third parties in order to facilitate our background checks and to provide information to clients and to employers. The services offered by Triton can consist of criminal background checks, employment background check (history verification), education history verification, credit check verification, reference check verification, social media background checks and pre-employment screening.
Triton’s consent forms clearly identify the purposes for which Personal Information is requested for the Services provided. Triton does not collect more Personal Information than is necessary for the Services provided.
Triton does not use Personal Information for purposes other than those disclosed to clients for the Services provided. If Triton wishes to use Personal Information in its possession for other purposes, the consent of clients is obtained in advance. Triton retains Personal Information only as long as necessary for the Services provided.
Information that is non-identifiable to specific individuals (Non-personal Information) may be used for statistical purposes.
With your consent, Personal Information collected may be disclosed to our clients, such as potential employers. We only disclose information at the clients request for the Services provided (reference checks, credit reports or social media background check).
Limiting Use, Disclosure
Triton does not use or disclose Personal Information for purposes other than those for which it was collected with the consent of the individual, except to regulatory authorities as required by law. For example, we and our third party service providers may disclose your Personal Information to law enforcement, government bodies or other organizations in response to a warrant, subpoena, or other court order. Such disclosures may also be made for the purposes of investigating a breach of an agreement or contravention of law, for detecting, suppressing or preventing fraud, or as otherwise may be required or permitted by applicable law.
Only our employees and our third party service providers with a need to know Personal Information will have access to this data. All such employees and third party service providers have agreed to maintain the confidentiality of this information. Your Personal Information can also be shared with our certified Managed Service Provider which has been retained by us to assist with services and expertise in networking, security, cloud services and server architecture.
Your Personal Information is confidential and will only be shared with our client and its staff with your consent.
Triton retains Personal Information only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of the identifying purposes as disclosed at the time of collection.
Personal Information related to criminal records are retained for a period of two (2) years for audit purposes as required by Triton’s partners. Generally, other Personal Information is destroyed, in accordance with Triton’s Privacy Policy, once the results of the background checks have been communicated to the person who requested them. However, in some cases, Triton’s employer clients may determine the period of time for which they require information to be available for their purposes.
Personal information related to criminal records and criminal background check are retained for a period not shorter than two (2) years from the time it was submitted.
In all cases, Triton retains information that has been collected for a period no longer than seven (7) years from the time of collection, subject to applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
Personal Information is removed from our database as required by Triton’s clients, in accordance with Triton’s Privacy Policy and as required by law. When Personal Information is no longer required for Triton’s work or no longer required to be retained by law, Triton destroys the information in accordance with its Privacy Policy and principles. Paper records containing Personal Information are disposed using cross-cut shredders (no use of single-strip continuous shredding). Information Technology Equipment containing Personal Information is safely disposed of by physically damaging the item and discarding it or by using a wipe utility to remove the original information.
While most of our work is done by our employees or authorized personnel who access Personal Information directly from our systems, we employ third-party service providers for certain specialized tasks such as data storage and processing, cloud computing, information technology support, or office services. Some of our third-party service providers are based outside Quebec, notably in British Columbia (Canada), the United States or the European Union. As a result, the Personal Information may be sent to these jurisdictions for processing, and while the information is in these jurisdictions, the courts, law enforcement authorities and national security authorities may have access to it.
Your Personal Information will only be transferred where the recipient jurisdiction offers adequate protection for your Personal Information, and only where there is a written agreement requiring the recipient to protect your Personal Information.
Triton is responsible for Personal Information under its control and has designated a Privacy Officer responsible for Triton’s compliance with federal and local privacy laws and regulations. Triton requires all of its clients , including employers who request background checks on an individual, to enter into Privacy and Terms of Service Agreements, which emphasize the importance of Triton’s strict standards of privacy and accountability standards.
Triton continuously updates and trains its staff about the importance of protecting Personal Information. Triton has agreements with third-party organizations who may process information in the course of Triton’s work. Triton monitors the compliance of all third parties with Triton’s requirements and privacy principles.
Triton has various physical, technological and organizational measures and protocols in place to safeguard Personal Information from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, copying or modification. We continually update and upgrade our systems and protocols to avoid new threats to the safety of information in our possession.
Personal Information in Triton’s possession is stored in Triton’s secure databases and protected by security measures appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. Triton maintains physical (restricted access and secured building/rooms), technological (physical firewalls, intrusion detection, segregated network zones, encrypted data in transit and at rest) and organizational (limited access within the organization) systems and protocols to protect information from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, copying or modification. Triton continually updates and upgrades its systems and protocols to prevent new threats to the security of information in its possession.
We limit access to our client’s Personal Information to those who have a genuine business need to access it. Those who process your information will do so only in an authorized manner and are subject to a duty of confidentiality. All of our employees have been carefully selected and have undergone thorough security and privacy trainings.
In order to benefit from Triton’s background check services, you must agree to the collection and processing of your Personal Information as described above. Your Personal Information is protected by data privacy laws which guarantee you the following rights:
Triton ensures that Personal Information is as accurate, complete, and up-to-date as possible for the purposes for which it is to be used, by all means available to Triton. Triton relies on its clients to provide accurate information; Triton maintains high standards of accuracy and verification with respect to its work.
Individual Access
Upon written request to Triton, an individual shall be informed of the existence, content, use and disclosure of his or her Personal Information and shall be given access to that information. Individuals may challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information in Triton’s possession and have it amended as appropriate. Triton provides access for individuals to review and challenge Personal Information in Triton’s possession. Triton corrects errors in information provided to employer clients. Individual clients seeking access to their Personal Information are invited to request access by writing to our Privacy Officer. Triton is committed to addressing and responding to individual client’s requests in a timely fashion.
Triton is committed to keeping its individual and employer clients informed as to its privacy policy and addressing any concerns clients may have. Clients are invited to voice any concerns by writing to our Privacy Officer.
Triton is committed to addressing and responding to your inquiries in a timely fashion.
Individuals who have concerns about Triton’s privacy policies are invited to contact Triton’s Privacy Officer by writing. Triton is committed to addressing and responding to complaints in a timely fashion.
For any information concerning your Personal Information and your rights, or if you wish to exercise any of your rights with respect to your Personal Information, please address your request to our Privacy Officer at:
Privacy Officer Triton Canada Inc. Email: Phone: (416) 494-4444 2235 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 1503 Toronto, ON M2J 5B5
Thank you for your interest in a demo. Please complete the form below and a member of our sales team will reach out to you within 1 business day to schedule your demo. In the meantime, if you need to reach us urgently, you can also call us at 1 844-874-8667.
To unlock your access to your online demo, brochure, products, pricing and online account registration, tell us a little bit more about you:
Thank you for your interest in more information about Triton’s background checks. Please complete the form below and a member of our sales team will reach out to you within 1 business day to schedule your demo. In the meantime, if you need to reach us urgently, you can also call us at 1 844-874-8667.
To gain access to our platform you must first create an account. Please complete the form below to initiate your account registration. In the meantime, if you need to reach us urgently, you can also call us at 1 844-874-8667.
To gain access to our platform you must first create an account. Please complete the form below to initiate your online account registration.
To gain access to our platform you must first create an account. You indicated that you perform more than 10 background checks per month which may qualify you for reduced pricing. Please complete the form below to initiate your online account registration, once your information is received sales will contact you within the business day to complete your account set-up. In the meantime, if you need to reach us urgently, you can also call us at 1 844-874-8667.
Please complete the form below and a member of our sales team will reach out to you within 1 business day. In the meantime, if you need to reach us urgently, you can also call us at 1 844-874-8667.
Complete the form below to start the online account set-up sequence. Note you will need to have complete information for your company, billing department and intended users.
Please confirm that the background check you are requesting is a SOCIAL MEDIA BACKGROUND CHECK: