Bringing a stranger into your home can be a scary prospect. Whether for healthcare, renovations, housekeeping and maintenance or childcare support, you have to be able to fully trust the person you are leaving in your home and/or with your loved one(s). That’s not easy when they’re someone you don’t know. Thankfully, a criminal record check can help you easily vet a support worker in home before you hire them.

In contrast, if you’re looking for a position as a support worker in home, having a criminal record check ready can be very valuable to you as well, and there are several reasons to obtain one in the early stages of your job search.

Hiring a Support Worker in Home

When considering hiring a support worker in home you want to know as much about them as possible. If there’s something troublesome in their past or an indication that they may not be a safe choice to look after a loved one or to be trusted in your home or business, you need to know about it.

A standard criminal record check will tell you:

  • Criminal Offences: The crime a person was convicted of

With this type of information, you can be fully informed about any criminal history of the person you’re potentially letting into your home.

Ask for a criminal record check when you’ve narrowed down your list of candidates.

  • If someone has no criminal record, that trust will grow immediately.
  • If someone has a criminal record, but you think they may still have potential, you can ask them questions to help build your confidence (or not). Something minor from when they were young may not have relevance today, and letting them explain is a fair thing to do.
  • If someone is unwilling to obtain one, they can be crossed off your list immediately. If they’re worried about what you might find out, you should be, too.

Finding a Job as a Support Worker in Home

Positions in in-home care can be very rewarding, but they can also be competitive. If you’re looking for a position as a support worker in someone’s home, having a criminal record check ready can be very valuable to you in building trust with a potential employer right from the very beginning.

Before a potential employer even asks for one, offer it to them. If your record is clear, you won’t have to worry about it. If it isn’t, you can address anything on it before they have time to sit and worry. Being prepared is the best way to go into an interview feeling strong and confident.

Having a criminal record check for a support worker in home (or as one) is always a good idea. It gives you the confidence to feel safe with someone you don’t know, and help build trust right from the very start.

Worried it will take a long time to get one? It doesn’t have to. Triton offers criminal record checks online, available in just 15 minutes. Get it today at