Most accepted and accurate criminal background check:
A social media background check reflects who you are based on your online behaviour.
Obtain criminal background checks on individuals including enhanced background checks.
Obtain employment background check verifications on individuals including enhanced employment background checks.
Verify a candidates education history and credentials.
Obtain Transunion credit checks on individuals including ID reports and ID verifications.
We perform comprehensive reference checks on your candidates customized to the information you want to learn.
You can obtain driving record abstracts on your candidates and learn information like:
Obtain social media checks on individuals that:
Comprehensive solutions designed for staffing agencies.
Obtain pre-employment screening bundles and save!
Fraud has quickly become a widespread issue that affects many industries across Canada and globally. During Fraud Prevention Month, it’s essential to shed a light on just how important pre-employment screening can be for your company. Many companies have now gone beyond just a criminal background check in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a candidate’s qualifications, integrity and potential risks they may bring to an organization.. We explore some real-life examples of fraud in three key industries and discuss how background screening can help mitigate these risks.
Healthcare: Protecting Patients and Institutions
Healthcare fraud can have devastating consequences, not only for the integrity of medical institutions but for the safety of their patients. One notable example involves a Canadian nurse who used stolen and forged documents, who despite lacking the necessary qualifications, managed to secure employment across the country, putting countless patients at risk. She was later charged with crimes such as impersonation, theft, assault and more.
How Pre-Employment Screening could help:
Auto Sector and Insurance: Who hit who?
A viral video recently showcased a driver deliberately backing into another vehicle to stage an accident. Incidents like these not only lead to higher premiums for honest policyholders, but also put strain on insurance companies, who should be spending time dealing with legitimate claims.
Banking and Financial Services
Fraud in this industry often involves significant monetary losses. Mortgage application fraud has become a growing concern where applicants or even employees falsify documents to secure loans or manipulate financial processes. There has been a rise of almost 10% in mortgage application fraud rates, most often involving the provision of false information.
Fraud prevention starts by being proactive. Ensuring you have a hiring process you believe in, can help eliminate the need for reactive measures down the line. Pre-Employment screening is a tool in you hiring toolbox to ensure organizations hire candidates with the right qualifications, integrity, and positive track records.
If you are interested in how your organization can better improve their hiring practices, reach out today to find out how Triton can help. Contact us at or visit
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Thank you for your interest in more information about Triton’s background checks. Please complete the form below and a member of our sales team will reach out to you within 1 business day to schedule your demo. In the meantime, if you need to reach us urgently, you can also call us at 1-866-553-3714.
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To gain access to our platform you must first create an account. You indicated that you perform more than 10 background checks per month which may qualify you for reduced pricing. Please complete the form below to initiate your online account registration, once your information is received sales will contact you within the business day to complete your account set-up. In the meantime, if you need to reach us urgently, you can also call us at 1-866-553-3714.
Please complete the form below and a member of our sales team will reach out to you within 1 business day. In the meantime, if you need to reach us urgently, you can also call us at 1-866-553-3714.
Complete the form below to start the online account set-up sequence. Note you will need to have complete information for your company, billing department and intended users.
Please confirm that the background check you are requesting is a SOCIAL MEDIA BACKGROUND CHECK: