La vérification des antécédents criminels la plus acceptée ainsi que la plus précise.
Résultats obtenus en 15 minutes ou moins.
Une vérification des antécédents liés aux médias sociaux illustre qui vous êtes en fonction de votre comportement en ligne.
Signale le contenu préjudiciable à partir de sources variées.
Obtenez la vérification des antécédents criminels d’individus, y compris des vérifications détaillées.
Obtenez la vérification des antécédents professionnels d’individus, y compris des vérifications détaillées.
Vérifiez les antécédents scolaires et les compétences professionnelles d’un candidat.
Obtenez la vérification de la solvabilité d’individus de TransUnion, y compris des rapports et des vérifications de l’identité.
Nous réalisons une vérification exhaustive des références de vos candidats, en fonction des informations que vous désirez obtenir.
Vous pouvez obtenir le dossier de conduite de vos candidats et découvrir des informations telles que :
Obtenez une vérification des médias sociaux d’individus qui :
Des solutions globales conçues pour les agences de placement.
Profitez des offres groupées de vérifications préalables à l’emploi et économisez!
Nous connaissons votre secteur d’activité. Découvrez comment Triton peut vous aider à obtenir le soutien approprié en matière de vérification des antécédents afin d’augmenter votre capacité de recrutement et d’accélérer vos processus. * Création d’un compte sans frais le jour même.
Nous œuvrons dans ce domaine depuis plus de dix ans et, depuis, connaissons bien toutes les nuances qui distinguent, de manière unique, les secteurs d’activité et les vérifications des antécédents. Ainsi, lorsque vous faites appel aux services de Triton, nous comprenons ces nuances qui vous amènent à vouloir obtenir rapidement les informations nécessaires afin d’optimiser et d’améliorer votre processus d’embauche. Notre plateforme en ligne sécurisée est disponible en tout temps (24/7) et nous vous donnons accès aux données les plus à jour, les plus complètes et les plus exactes disponibles en matière de vérification des antécédents.
Nous savons que les besoins varient d’un secteur d’activité à l’autre. C’est pourquoi nous proposons la gamme de vérifications des antécédents la plus complète et détaillée, centralisée en un seul endroit.
The online dating game can be a tough scene. When your users meet strangers, they want to know who they are meeting and if they can trust them. Users should know about any potential concerning details to make informed choices. A detailed background screening can help you identify any red flags that users have, to facilitate the matching process in a secure environment. Whether it’s indicating that a user’s profile is verified or allowing users to know more about the reputation of a someone they are about to meet, we have the techniques and technology to make your platform a safe and comfortable space for everyone.
With Triton’s industry leading background screening solutions, you have the tools to help your users find their next connection with confidence.
What background checks do we provide to not for profits dating sites and app providers?
Learn more about our range of background checks
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Non-profit organizations have a variety of missions and organizational structures that serve different causes. Transparency and accountability are especially important for non-profit organizations to operate soundly and develop a reputable relationship with communities. Whether you’re looking for volunteers or full-time employees, conducting comprehensive background screening can help you choose the right candidates with good records and integrity. We have the market expertise to help you stay protected against fraud and assemble a qualified team to help execute your mission and vision.
With Triton’s reliable background checks for not for profits, you can always hire the people that align with your organizational goals and have the best interest of the people you serve.
What background checks do we provide to not for profits?
Media and entertainment companies have many roles to fill to make any production a masterpiece. Since projects are often big investments with many legal contracts, big teams, and tight deadlines, the hiring process must be quick and secure to ensure a safe and efficient work environment. Otherwise, a bad hire could cost you millions of dollars and damage your reputation. A comprehensive Triton background check provides you with the detailed information you need to make the best hiring decisions and build a team that collaborates well together. We have the scalable and innovative background screening process to ensure the right people are in the right roles for your company.
With a Triton background check, you can focus on delivering the best productions instead of worrying about your hiring process.
What types of background checks do we offer to the media and entertainment industries?
Convenience and flexibility have brought the rise of gig companies. Gig companies are always growing and expanding their reach to provide customers with the reliable services they need. Because they’re always scaling, an efficient, robust, and streamlined hiring process is a must to support business success. Triton’s comprehensive background verification checks ensure that your team of contractors and freelancers have the qualifications and reliability your customers want. Triton can provide the background check solutions for your platform or business model. We understand your industry challenges and business goals and can therefore seamlessly integrate background checks for your business.
With Triton’s industry leading background verification checks, you can deliver a better customer and user experience.
What background checks do we provide to gig companies?
The hospitality industry is all about providing people with top-notch service. You need to ensure that the employees you hire are qualified and well-trained to guarantee the safety and satisfaction of everyone – from the guests to the other staff members. A comprehensive employment screening through background checks will help you get information such as criminal records, certifications, references, and more to ensure you hire the right people. We have the market expertise and speedy turnaround times to help you put only the best employees in front of your customers – so you can always put your best foot forward.
With Triton’s industry leading employment screening solutions, you can verify the most qualified employees to represent your business in front of your valued guests.
What types of background checks do we provide to the hospitality industry?
Nearly four million Canadians have a criminal record. While a criminal record does not necessarily mean you shouldn’t consider a candidate, you want someone you know and trust as a part of your team. Retailers and franchisers rely on Triton for their pre employment screenings because we offer safe and secure criminal background checks with industry-leading turnaround times.
Why should retailers perform background checks?
Retail employees are trusted to handle money, manage expensive inventory, and interact with the public. To keep your store operating at the standard of your business and customers, managers must create a work environment that discourages theft, fraud, and violence.
Before hiring a candidate, conducting a pre employment screening can help you understand who you’re putting in charge of your store and in front of your customers.
Why should franchisers perform background checks?
To start, franchisors need responsible franchisees to grow the brand. Franchisees have access to proprietary business knowledge, processes, and trademarks, so franchisors must ensure they’re partnering with trustworthy, reputable buyers.
From there, there are many other managerial and customer-facing roles that go into operating a successful franchise. These positions involve money, inventory, dealing with the public, and more.
Your team must be solid from top to bottom if you want to have success.
What types of information should retailers and franchisers be validating?
Canada’s industrial sector forms the backbone of our country. Without the hard workers who build and maintain our infrastructure, all our other industries would simply crumble. That’s why we need these sectors to be built on a solid foundation of dependable employees.
Nearly four million Canadians have a criminal record. And while that may not necessarily disqualify a certain candidate, you need someone you know you can trust.
That’s where we come in. Triton offers safe and secure criminal background checks with industry-leading turnaround times for companies just like yours.
What types of industrial sectors does Triton serve?
Why do the industrial sectors use Triton for background checks?
Cargo theft as one example pilfers $5 billion from Canada’s economy every year. Sadly, Ontario ranked as the top spot for cargo theft in North America in 2020. In a recent industry-related poll, 32 per cent of respondents said employee background checks are one of the best ways to combat cargo theft.
Logistics companies as one example, use Triton because we drive innovation in the background check industry. With over a decade of experience in the industry, we have the technology and processes required to provide you with the right information quickly, so you can work with people you can trust.
What types of background checks do the industrial sector use and to validate what information?
Nearly four million Canadians have a criminal record. While a criminal record does not necessarily mean you shouldn’t consider a candidate, you want someone you know and trust as a part of your team. Professional services providers rely on Triton for their pre employment screenings because we offer safe and secure criminal background checks with industry-leading turnaround times.
Learn more about how we can help industries such as real estate and property management companies, finance and banking, technology, and more.
What types of professional services organizations use Triton background checks?
What makes these industries unique?
While many companies vet candidates during the recruitment process, these types of industries may be vetting applicants. In this instance an individuals credit worthiness and past payment habits have even more relevance. These types of companies require access to the most complete range of background checks.
What types of background checks does the professional services industry leverage?
The healthcare industry is a complex network of resources, doctors, volunteers, and caregivers that work together to ensure the safety and well-being of patients. With the responsibility of sensitive patient information, equipment, clinical data, and the health of vulnerable individuals, who you’re hiring is an important consideration. A comprehensive background check can provide information about a candidate’s history, qualifications, experience, and education to determine if they have the credentials you need. We have the market expertise and understanding of your hiring needs to simplify your process and onboard the right people so you can focus on your patients.
With Triton’s industry leading background check solutions, you have the tools to create a safe environment where your patients feel comfortable.
What background checks do we provide to the healthcare industry?
Government and education organizations make critical decisions that impact millions of people across Canada. They have access to highly confidential information involving the safety and well-being of all Canadians. As a result, you need to ensure only the most qualified, reputable, and trustworthy candidates fill your vacant positions. A comprehensive background check will determine if applicants have the capabilities you want. We have the market expertise and techniques to help you find the employees that Canadians can trust – affordably, securely, and quickly.
With Triton’s reliable background checks solutions, government and education organizations can hire with peace of mind for the most important positions.
What background checks do we provide to government and educational organizations?
Organizations come to you to recruit top talent. They count on you to validate your candidates credentials and the faster you can bring forward solid candidates, the more profitable you are as an organization. We offer a complete range of specialized solutions for the staffing and recruitment industry. Click here to visit our staffing and recruitment page.
Chez Triton, nous comprenons que les informations sensibles doivent être utilisées de la manière la plus sécurisée qui soit; par conséquent, nous avons pris des mesures visant à mettre en œuvre des protocoles de conformité et de sécurité de premier plan.
Les renseignements personnels en notre possession sont conservés dans des bases de données au Canada conformes à SOC 2 et protégés par des mesures de sécurité adaptées à la nature délicate des informations. Triton possède également la certification PCI relative aux cartes de paiement afin de sécuriser les paiements et les transactions.
Nous sommes en mesure d’intégrer notre processus à la plupart des systèmes. Avez-vous besoin d’intégrer vos vérifications des antécédents?
Lorsque vous regroupez vos vérifications préalables à l’emploi, vos vérifications des antécédents et vos rapports, vous gagnez en rapidité et en efficacité grâce à un processus intégré amélioré qui réduit vos coûts.
Soyez plus compétitif en offrant davantage à vos clients grâce à des capacités de recrutement accrues, acquises par la centralisation de vos vérifications des antécédents auprès du fournisseur de vérifications d’antécédents le plus fiable et sécurisé au Canada.
Triton est une excellente entreprise avec laquelle faire affaire. Ils sont très réceptifs à nos requêtes et très conciliants en ce qui concerne nos besoins opérationnels. Ils feront tout en leur pouvoir afin de satisfaire aux exigences des clients, y compris adapter leurs processus dans le cas de demandes spéciales.
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Merci de votre intérêt à obtenir davantage d’informations sur les vérifications des antécédents de Triton. Veuillez remplir le formulaire ci-dessous et un membre de notre équipe des ventes communiquera avec vous dans un délai de 1 jour ouvrable pour planifier la démonstration. Entretemps, si vous devez nous parler d’urgence, vous pouvez également composer le 1 844-874-8667.
Pour obtenir un accès à notre plateforme, vous devez d’abord créer un compte. Veuillez remplir le formulaire ci-dessous pour commencer la création de votre compte en ligne. Entretemps, si vous devez nous parler d’urgence, vous pouvez également composer le 1 844-874-8667.
Pour obtenir un accès à notre plateforme, vous devez d’abord créer un compte. Veuillez remplir le formulaire ci-dessous pour commencer la création de votre compte en ligne.
To gain access to our platform you must first create an account. You indicated that you perform more than 10 background checks per month which may qualify you for reduced pricing. Please complete the form below to initiate your online account registration, once your information is received sales will contact you within the business day to complete your account set-up. In the meantime, if you need to reach us urgently, you can also call us at 1 844-874-8667.
Veuillez remplir le formulaire ci-dessous et un membre de notre équipe des ventes communiquera avec vous dans un délai de 1 jour ouvrable. Entretemps, si vous devez nous parler d’urgence, vous pouvez également composer le 1 844-874-8667.
Remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous pour commencer la séquence de configuration d’un compte en ligne. Notez que vous devrez fournir des renseignements sur votre entreprise, le service de la facturation et les utilisateurs présumés.
Veuillez confirmer que la vérification des antécédents que vous demandez est une vérification des antécédents en matière de médias sociaux :
Remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous pour démarrer la séquence de création de compte en ligne. Notez que vous devrez disposer d’informations complètes sur votre entreprise, votre service de facturation et les utilisateurs prévus.