Who knows you better than yourself? By extension, what you share on social media is considered by many to be an authentic portrayal of your true self. But your social media doesn’t consist of just what you share. Your comments, your likes, and what people tag you in are all examples of other things that can be considered in a social media background check.

Facebook will celebrate its 20th year in 2026. 18 years is a long time to like, share, post, comment, follow and be tagged on content.

Employers have done informal social media checks on applicants historically, but in the past 5 years technology and the ability to scrape data reflecting your activities across platforms has led to formalized social media background checks.

Some employers will perform it behind the scenes. Some employers may actually ask you to provide yours.

In fact, a recent study of Canadian employers indicated that upwards of 65% of companies surveyed use social media checks during the hiring process. Of those, 41% indicated they had rejected applicants because of what they found online.

Social media background checks involve a deep scan of a candidate’s activity on public social media websites and other online, public spaces. and reveal your demeanor, proclivities, affiliations and more. Social media background checks can be an important tool for employers to confirm information provided by candidates and expose any potential red flags. Conversely, it can uncover aspects of a candidate’s identity that might otherwise be difficult to perceive- perhaps even past activities a candidate might rather have kept hidden.

A social media background check can also reveal you are the right candidate! It can show that your activities on social media are consistent with a potential employer’s company culture and values.

Red flags uncovered by social media background checks can include:

  • Illegal behavior
  • Discriminatory posts
  • Derogatory statements

So, what can you do to prepare? Start by seeing what is on your social media check when starting your job hunt.

Things such as application inconsistencies (i.e. dates of employment or education) can be red flags for employers. Uncovering these through a social media background check will give you a leg up and allow you to fix these inconsistencies.  It can also help you get a better understanding of your online image and, therefore, help in any personal branding you may feel to be beneficial in your job search.

If you wish to complete your social media background check quickly, Triton offers the fastest turnaround times in the industry. Through our secure, online platform you can access social media background checks 24/7.

Triton uses AI-powered screening tools to analyze posts and images. This, combined with human analysts with advanced machine learning, delivers in-depth, comprehensive reports.

For more information about Triton’s Social Media Background Checks, please visit: https://www.tritoncanada.ca/social-media-check/