If you participate with one of Canada’s national sport organizations, then this week’s blog is for you. Registration is always a busy time of year. With the administrative challenges of coordinating volunteers, venues, schedules and more, background screening is one more seasonal task that requires attention.

Sending volunteers to the local police can be a lengthy process, with multiple trips to a police station, and little visibility to track progress and store certificates. Where background checks are concerned, vulnerable sector checks have traditionally been used in sports because of the presence of children. Vulnerable sector checks are also used when an adult works with senior citizens and/or the disabled because they also represent vulnerable sectors.

A vulnerable sector check is a criminal record check that includes the ability to see if a person has a record suspension (pardon) for sexual offences and other information not readily available in other types of less intensive criminal record checks. Obtaining a vulnerable sector check can be a lengthy process for the applicant.

Many sport organizations, especially those that don’t predominately see adults working with children, seniors and/or the disabled alone, are often now opting for Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check (CRJMC) in place of vulnerable sector checks.

At a high level, a CRJMC will reveal:

  • Summary convictions for the past 5 years
  • Any criminal convictions in the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) and local databases
  • Summary convictions from CPIC and local databases
  • Findings of guilt under the Youth Criminal Justice Act
  • Outstanding charges, warrants and judicial orders
  • Absolution and Conditional discharges

Sport organizations are moving towards CRJMC for a few reasons:

Many sport organizations have deemed a CRJMC sufficient for several roles because, as mentioned earlier, some don’t see adults working with vulnerable sectors alone. These roles include:

  • Coaches
  • Referees
  • Office staff
  • Volunteers

A CRJMC can be obtained online and is far faster to acquire than a vulnerable sector check.

Background check platforms like Triton enable sport organizations to secure their CRJMC, as well as other checks that, online. One of the commonly used checks by sport organizations is the social media background check (a type of enhanced character screening) which, when used with a criminal record check, is a potent method for revealing if a candidate is the right fit for your organization.

With advancements in technology, organizations are modernizing their programs to cut the red tape and onboard as quickly as possible without compromising public safety. Triton shows organizations how to do this by providing secure, centralized, online access to background checks.

Some things you may not know about online background checks through Triton:

  • You can set up your account so that the applicant pays.
  • There is no cost to register to use our platform. It is pay-as-you-go, so you aren’t billed unless a background check or verification is requested.
  • We can integrate into your membership management system (MMS) to streamline the candidate experience.
  • Criminal record checks are available in the portal within 15 minutes.
  • You can register to open your account online.

Notably, we are also the most secure, being SOC2, PCI, PIPEDA compliant and more.

If you are looking to modernize and make your recruitment faster and more efficient, reach out to Triton today and we can help you get there.