If you represent an association whose members require criminal background checks, you can enhance the value of your membership by making it easier for them to obtain their background checks and saving them money in the process.

As an individual, if your member seeks a criminal background check, they will pay a consumer price. Triton offers associations aggressive discounts based on their overall member volume.

Many industry associations require background checks for their members in Canada, including:

  • Healthcare (nurses, doctors, psychiatrists)
  • Sports Organizations (coaches, umpires)
  • Financial Member Associations
  • Volunteer Organizations
  • Education (teachers)
  • Security
  • Law Enforcement
  • Government and more.

Some association members have criminal record checks mandated by regulators, while others require them to ensure public safety.

Does this mean you end up paying for the background checks?

At Triton, we provide different types of accounts. If you want to negotiate a volume discount for your members where your members pay themselves for their background checks, this is an option we provide. Your member accesses our portal and pays your price.

Where the enhanced member value comes in…

When your member is left to obtain their own background check, the following can happen:

  • They buy the check from a provider that is not accepted
  • They pay the highest price for their check
  • Price shopping, they end up with a check that is inaccurate or incomplete

You can help your members avoid this by having a relationship with an approved, accredited, recognized background check provider.

Some things that are setting Triton Canada apart from the competition in this regard:

  • Flexible financing options
  • Fastest turn-around time in the industry
  • Most secure
  • Unparalleled Canadian-based support
  • Canadian-owned and operated
  • Innovators in the background check industry
  • Most trusted, accurate, complete, and accepted provider of background checks

Easing your association into background checks is as quick as a call to Triton. We can help you know the “what”, “how”, and “when” so you can be ready to enhance your member value with background check capability.

For more information about Triton background checks, please visit https://www.tritoncanada.ca.