Background checks in Canada are an absolute staple for any staffing agency. Even with some staffing agencies still performing some verifications in-house, when it comes to background checks, a partnership with a background check provider is a must. For example, criminal background checks and credit checks are two background checks that rely on a data source (RCMP in the case of criminal record checks or a credit reporting agency in the case of a credit check).

How can you use your background checks to be the most agile and competitive? Recruiting the highest quality candidates, faster and more effectively!

View background checks as your ultimate toolkit because that’s what they form.

How many times have you chosen not to bring forward a candidate based on something that was revealed in their background checks or verifications? How many times have you been able to make a candidate stand out based on a clean set of background checks?

Here are some ways staffing and recruitment firms go wrong when obtaining background checks and ways that you can do it right!

Prioritizing quality over price

You have probably heard the expression you get what you pay for? Well, this expression could not be truer than when referring to background checks in Canada and the companies who provide them. Some background check providers obtain bulk data that is incomplete. Make sure, when evaluating background check providers, that you learn the data source. For example, Triton criminal background checks derive data directly from the RCMP and government sources.

Centralization of background checks

Surprisingly, while it doesn’t make sense from an efficiency perspective, some staffing agencies obtain checks from different providers. You should be aiming to order all of your checks on the same platform vs logging into different platforms and dealing with varying SLAs on delivery. Speed matters.

What does a complete range of background checks in Canada look like? It would include the following checks locally, nationally, and internationally:

The moment you centralize your background checks is the same moment you become faster and more agile. With Triton, you can access all of these checks online using our secure platform.

Negotiating price

It’s amazing how often we see staffing agencies paying market rate prices without discounting based on their annual volume. Your pricing should reflect the totality of the background check volume that you represent to a background check provider. Even if you think you are getting the best price, you should review your volume and pricing annually.

Work with providers who have defined SLAs

SLAs are critical. There is nothing worse than your team trying to fill positions and getting stalled because of background check delays. Always make sure your background check provider provides you with SLAs as they relate to each of their products.

Consider asking: Do they offer a “candidate pays option”? Do they offer integration? Do they offer bulk ordering?

Always think outside the box and never assume you can’t or that an idea will be expensive. Given the high-volume nature of the staffing industry, many companies opt for bulk ordering, and some even opt to integrate the background check platform they are using into their internal systems. Often this can be negotiated with no integration cost, again, depending on your overall volume. Always ask what options are available to simplify both processes and accounting. As it relates to helping organizations to align who pays, Triton offers a candidate pays option.

Background checks are an important part of the professional package you bring forward to clients. Your background checks should be professional and unbiased. Your background checks can be a major selling feature in the services you offer and actually make you more profitable and competitive.

Having the ultimate toolkit for background checks in Canada means having all the background check capabilities that you need in one place. Beyond that, speed, security, and track record are some other important considerations when deciding which background check platform you are going to use.

For more information about background checks in Canada please visit