Social media background checks  are a form of enhanced character verification that have been informally used in recruitment since the inception of social media. An informal social media background check would usually consist of someone in HR simply searching the applicant’s name on social platforms and seeing what they find.

However, this is seriously flawed for several reasons, including:

  • Incomplete – have all viable platforms been searched, and searched in full? Have some profiles been missed because names are different?
  • Inaccurate
  • Bias – if things that shouldn’t influence a hiring decision, such as sexual orientation, political leanings, pregnancy status, marital status, etc., are uncovered, they can create bias and impartiality.

Social media background checks remove the above challenges. A social media background check  is a digital background check that doesn’t have a human in the mix. It is truly impartial. It doesn’t produce a pass or fail. Instead, it reports on things like:

  • Hate speech
  • Racist or sexist comments
  • Violence (including behaviour)
  • Sexually explicit material
  • Illicit activities, like drugs, etc.

What this does is help you to identify problematic behaviour that could present a safety issue for staff and the public, not to mention not align with your corporate culture and values. While a criminal record check will reveal a criminal record, social media background checks reveal even more, which is why a social media check with a criminal record check is a very potent combination when evaluating candidates from the perspective of public safety.

A social media background check also can help the best candidates stand out faster. A clean social media background check may expedite the onboarding of a candidate who you are interested in.

The best way to review social media platforms is through technology offered by third parties like Triton.

You can obtain your social media background checks online, on the Triton portal, 24-7. We make it so easy that:

1.  You can register for access to Triton’s background checks, online and at no cost.
2.  Access is granted within one business day.
3.  You receive a commercial rate for your social media background checks.
4.  You can access the portal online, 24-7.
5.  In our background check portal, you also have access to criminal record checks, education and employment history verification, reference check verification, credit reports, ID verifications, driver’s abstracts and more.

It has never been easier for HR leaders to incorporate formalized social media background check screening into their hiring process. Visit to learn more.